Israel- Palestine War

The claim that the attack was a surprise is the biggest tell that this war was contrived by Israel. Indeed Netanyahu called it a “Pearl Harbor moment” referring to another false flag used to justify the US entry into World War Two. Is this war designed to touch off WW3?

Veterans of Israeli intelligence say there is no way this attack was a surprise.   The Israelis have informers in Gaza. They monitor it electronically. They must have known this was coming and decided to sacrifice hundreds of Israelis for political ends. They did the same thing in 1973.

GAZA: 10/7 like 9/11, Was it a False Flag?

If 10/7 just like 9/11 had been a possible deceptive false flag operation this time orchestrated by Israel’s Deep State, it could have been very useful for the Israeli establishment, as well as for the US and UK to achieve various objectives of their international politics in the current foreign political situation.

Especially now that the war in Ukraine seems to be turning towards a defeat of the US, UK, and NATO coalition supporting Zelensky against Russia.

This Israeli possible false flag operation, obviously not recognized by all as such, could serve Israel to introduce the Police State, and the curfew, as well as to strengthen the Netanyahu government.

Furthermore, such a possible false flag could sabotage the peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and reverse Qatar’s policy, hospitable to terrorists/Palestinian patriots (a linguistic dilemma).

This possible false flag could be very useful for the Israeli establishment, the point of justifying possible new wars in the Middle East against Countries that are not friends of Israel, or more simply selective attacks against installations of such Countries.

To my eyes it is precisely the representation that the mainstream mass media give of the event that underlines the analogy with 9/11, obviously directed by those (Jews) who have control of the capital of these media, implicitly suggesting that this attack must necessarily be followed by retaliation of the type of the one that followed 9/11 pushes me to think about the false flag conspiracy to justify all the objectives described above, and let me repeat them again, because of their paramount importance:

  • to introduce the Police State and curfew in Israel
  • to strengthen the  Netanyahu government by transforming it into a dictatorship
  • to sabotage the peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran
  • to reverse Qatar’s politics, hospitable to terrorists/Palestinian patriots
  • to justify possible new wars in the Middle East against Countries that are not friends of Israel, or more simply selective attacks against installations of such Countries.

Welcome (back) to the time of hybrid warfare!

Where the real aggressor, not the apparent one, combining kinetic operations with subversive efforts, within an informal and undeclared war commitment, intends to avoid the attribution of responsibility and remain in the field of plausible deniability, masking his covert and deceptive identity…

GAZA: 10/7 like 9/11, Was it a False Flag?

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