“Breaching the impenetrable and heavily fortified Israeli borders with Gaza would be a joke, unbelievable joke. It would be impossible … especially given the limited and primitive resources of the Palestinian fighters in Gaza. It is just not possible … it can’t be done, except if the Israeli side allowed it”

Israel’s powerful military and efficient security services had Hamas bottled up, squeezed, and strangled inside the Gaza Strip.

Sure, every few years there was a so-called conflict that followed a similar pattern: an Israeli provocation, Hamas rocket attacks, ruthless Israeli air strikes, Egyptian mediation, and then quiet again.

But surprisingly and unexpectedly this time around, that pattern has changed … but why? This is the important question … and why now is even the more important question? The old pattern always worked fine for Israel, but is that pattern not working anymore, or maybe Israel is after a bigger target … bigger than Hamas, the occupied West Bank, and the whole fake issue of resolving the Palestinian plight through raving about two-state solutions for ages now

Gaza is the only place on earth that is referred to as a strip … what the hell is a strip ?…. It’s a tiny place that some humanitarians like to refer to as the largest open-air prison on earth, where in fact it should be called a Zionist concentration camp.  

Whether you like to refer to the place as the strip or the open-air prison, one fact remains solid and invulnerable; Gaza is the most controlled place on earth, as it has been under complete military siege since 2007.

Gaza is under high-tech surveillance 24/7 … and if some loose surveillance and control is somehow enjoyed inside the strip of Gaza the Israeli intelligence and military surely won’t allow that flexibility along the borders of Gaza, whether it be air, sea, or land borders.

When you have cemented, electrified metal, and barbed-wire borders that are monitored every second of the day and over-secured by drones patrolling the sky of Gaza, digital surveillance cameras along the whole border with Israel, and even live satellite imaging that follows every flicker of abnormality on the Gaza/ Israel borders even if it was of a small fly.

Then breaching that impenetrable secured borders would be a joke, unbelievable joke. It would be impossible … insanely impossible, especially given the limited and primitive resources of the Palestinian fighters in Gaza. It is just not possible … it can’t be done, except if the Israeli side allowed it.

A few hours after the Hamas attack on Israeli settlements across the Gazan circle, almost all mainstream media outlets went out and described the attack as brutal, barbaric, violent but most importantly unprovoked.

But Little did all of those media outlets know that this attack was indeed a provoked attack … only the provocateur was made to look like and appear in plain daylight as Palestinian fighters from Hamas. But the truth of the matter is that the whole operation that Hamas pulled out with minimum or no resistance at all from Israel, was designed and allowed by the Israeli intelligence, also known as the Mossad.

The notorious Mossad is the real/hidden provocateur behind this El Aqsa flood cartoonish operation … and don’t forget that Hamas is Israel’s creation in the first place.

Some news platforms referred to the Hamas attack as Israel’s 9/11 attack … and this designation in particular carries some truth to it especially if we bear in mind the enormous worldwide investigations/probes that pointed the finger at the Israeli Mossad as the hidden provocateur behind the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers in New York back in 2001.  

Some like to refer to those justified contentions and solid investigations which pointed the finger at the Israeli Mossad as the actual provocateur and designer of the 9/11 attacks as conspiracy theories. But that could not be further from the truth … even though the 9/11 attack was indeed a grand-scale conspiracy and there was a diabolic theory and plan behind it carefully designed and carried out by the Israeli Mossad.

In the 9/11 attacks, The Mossad had planned to inflict a major attack on American soil that would trigger mass political/military reaction … so much so that the American pride and sensibility would be hurt enough to compel them to go to war against whomever the intelligence might specify and target as the enemy

… and as usual the US relied heavily on the Mossad intelligence, for whom could the US trust when terrorism rules except the old Israeli ally and friend embedded in the Middle East amongst terrorist neighbors, also known as the Arab countries?

So it was mostly according to Mossad’s intelligence that the mighty US army was willing to head its direction and unleash unprecedented firepower and destruction in an act of stupid and blind revenge.

Back in 2001, Israel was trying to get rid of one of the strongest armies in the Middle East and the Arab world, namely the Iraqi army.

Based on fake intelligence (mostly supplied by the Mossad) about some weapons of mass destruction … the US was blindly dragged like sheep into a bloody war in Iraq

Once the threshold of the Hamas operation reached the level of the mainstream media-orchestrated terrorism ( like the beheading of small Jewish babies … an incident that never took place except inside the Zionist mind and machine that is always working on exploiting the holocaust stereotype)

…Only then the Mossad operation would be a success … and then it would only need the puppet president of the US to make the awaited statement that America stands solid ( or rather sleeps in the same bed) with Israel ….

Afterward, it will be a few hours before the Zionist President Biden orders the mighty USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft to anchor in front of Israel’s coastline … waiting in full military capacity and political naivety to fire and attack Israel’s next enemy on the list in the region, namely Iran 

Long live the United States of Israel

And, may god save Palestine …

Once the threshold of the Hamas operation reached the level of the mainstream media-orchestrated terrorism ( like the beheading of small Jewish babies … an incident that never took place except inside the Zionist mind and machine that is always working on exploiting the holocaust stereotype)

…Only then the Mossad operation would be a success … and then it would only need the puppet president of the US to make the awaited statement that America stands solid ( or rather sleeps in the same bed) with Israel ….

Afterward, it will be a few hours before the Zionist President Biden orders the mighty USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft to anchor in front of Israel’s coastline … waiting in full military capacity and political naivety to fire and attack Israel’s next enemy on the list in the region, namely Iran 

Long live the United States of Israel

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