Open Borders, Economic Unrest, Social Turmoil 

Looking Back Proves Democrat Party Corruption Is Rooted In Their History 

he Democrat party has redefined our immigration policies in a manner that will reduce future scientific and technological advancement and will see debt skyrocket like squirting ether into an engine. In a world that values education, hard work, and innovation, we import the world’s derelicts, the uneducated, pregnant women with zero skills and zero prospects, retired people, 

Military-age men frequently gang-connected.

What could go wrong? 

All came across the border in one of three ways: 

1 – They give themselves up at the first available opportunity, often coached to say the right thing to secure all the first-round goodies, including transportation, phone, money, and a promise of continued help and support. 

2 – They avoid Ports of Entry that would automatically bestow legal status if they come the way Biden telegraphed. These people have zero fear of getting caught and likely have a plan ready to activate when they get where they intend. The problem is that we don’t know if those plans are consistent with being here to live and work quietly or for more nefarious purposes. Sometimes, they bring children as slaves or shields to further their claims. 

3 – Organized infiltrators sent by third parties such as governments, criminal organizations, and others. These immigrants can be subdivided into (a) those observed but not intercepted, about one million, or (b) those who know where all the cameras and vibration detection monitors are and, thus, can slip in undetected. This latter group may exceed one and one-half million and are the most dangerous. 

Administration officials announcing that the border is closed is nothing more than NewSpeak in action. God help us when one of these invaders sneaks a dirty bomb across the border or some new biological or chemical weapon. If I hated America as much as some people, it would be child’s play to fulfill such evil. And no one knows how many have come since Biden opened the floodgates—five million, ten million? Who knows? What we do know is that everything that has happened was intentional. 

Just think how much the next 9-11 will supercharge a new Patriot Act. You can virtually guarantee it’s going to happen. 

Could this be Biden’s secret plan for somehow putting off the next election during a period of martial law? That may sound far-fetched today, but who would disagree that we are in uncharted waters, with about 75% of us wishing Biden would go away to allow some other candidate to run for president? 

dangerous wounded animal. A recent ABC/Washington Post Poll said that Donald Trump would beat Biden by ten points if the election were held today. After that, the WaPo quickly distanced itself from its own poll, calling it a likely outlier. Why? After independent voters suddenly hear a cacophony of voices calling for Biden not to run, most notably the WaPo columnist David Ignatius, I suspect Democrats are beginning to feel trapped, like a wounded animal. 

All that stands between permanent Democrat rule is the next election. That might be enough to upset their apple cart for good if they lose. Let’s make that happen! God Bless America. 

Open Borders, Economic Unrest, Social Turmoil And ‘The Final False Flags’ Are All Part Of The Globalists Secret Plans To Impose Martial Law And Forbid ‘2024’ And All Future Elections 

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